What is our Top Ten list of things to change and how?

I see folks introducing a lot of causes and new initiatives. Feel free to create a Top Ten list of things to change and how. Post in comments and I will synthesize what everyone posts.

Grant Millin’s Strategic Priority Master List
1. Expand and enforce President’s Climate Action Plan and the EPA’s Clean Power Plan
2. Security council and global majority adoption of UN Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals
3. United Nations Climate Change Conference, a.k.a. COP 21/Paris Climate Talks, successful strategy leading to moving away from 2 C (3.6 F) global average temperature rise due to human-caused climate change in five years.
4. Defeat GOP at Federal, state, and local levels. Fight corruption globally.
5. Raise the Federal minimum wage to $10.10 by November 1, 2016. If that doesn’t happen make sure the Members of Congress who don’t get that done are defeated next year.
6. Raise the Federal poverty levels based on this new Federal minimum wage. Note: the Federal poverty levels are the income thresholds used by all levels of government and nonprofits to determine whether a US citizen is living in poverty or not.
7. At least quadruple SNAP (food stamps) monthly amounts going to most US citizens, meaning the amount of food that can be purchased for each child, woman, and man, following the Federal poverty level increases.
8. Consider raising the Federal minimum wage to as close to $20.20 as possible by 2020.
9. Develop clear public understanding of state and Federal (‘intergovernmental’) expenditures to municipalities. Develop moral budgets using evidence-based analysis.
10. Develop a national and state level obmud (‘ombudsman’/public advocate) system addressing any consumer protection, health, economic policy, environmental, or general justice matter. This means a fully funded combined citizen’s lobbyist, think tank, and lawyer/enforcer program for the folks living at the base of the economic pyramid… and for the sake of our voiceless yet necessary environmental services.
Also love your neighbor as yourself!
Posted in Asheville, Innovation and Opportunity Ecosystem, Open Strategic Innovation for Communities.