Metaphor and Analogy

One way to take on the challenges this era is identifying known and possibly completely original metaphors and analogies to create a target strategy in relation to the huge task arenas ahead of us.

Analogies and mimicry is a pretty simple way to start a strategic development phase. In many ways taking many parts of ‘what works’ from different domains and pulling together a new initiative is a great approach to strategy; E.g., Blue Ocean Strategy and Creative Strategy.

The 2016 motion picture Arrival is about aliens. But many of the challenges in front of us, like a climate more and more alien to earth’s recorded history since the Gutenberg Bible. So, StratGen Solution Design allows for what is truly original to account for these unprecedented times. The metaphors to help shape the picture of where we are and then where we want to go rate a sophisticated form of Strategic Communication. There is a creative possibility with Strategic Thinking in SI 2; and the straightforwardness of Strategic Management and laying out milestones is available simultaneously.

Source: Paramount (Arrival, 2016)

The motion picture Arrival is a metaphor for many things. At one point, the hero Dr. Louise Banks figures out an old world, supposed ‘Zero Sum’ strategy game, mahjong, is being used by one nation to communicate with the ‘Heptapods’ and elucidates the risks of trying develop a common negotiating language when one side uses a ‘Zero Sum’ gambler’s win / lose ‘roll of the dice’ mental model. A National Geographic article helps those of us who are not mahjong players to elate to the game’s influence.

Source: Paramount (Arrival, 2016)

Of course, one step in Dr. Banks’ hero journey is when her daughter asks about the concept Non Zero Sum Game. We can call the influence of technology going back to the gun; the start of aerospace with the Wright Brothers; Edison and Ford; up to the Digital Age, as the Strategic Innovation 1.0 Period.

Strategic Innovation is about transformation of markets… and often humanity and ecology. Strategic Innovation is not just about changing the rules in any given strategic ‘game’; it’s about creating entirely new games.

Dr. Banks takes risks. But she’s using the scientific method; and what she’s learned about her disciple: “Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict.”

Strategy, innovation, and risk are also building blocks of civilization.

For Asheville, NC, the idea that the climate is turning against us during Hurricane Helene is like aliens appearing and unceasing a super weapon with no counter. Asheville is known for its mild four seasons making it a popular tourism destination; and therefore a place many decide to establish second homes and acquire real estate.

Now Asheville is like to be rated as an insurance risk area. The winters since 2010 have become less and less ‘wintery’ as to snow fall and freezing days.

So, since lots of tourism is about travel and greenhouse gas consequences, a new comprehensive development strategy and structure — as in a Tourism Development Authority replacement organization — is a possible outcome going forward.

What would this organization be called? What functionality. Is it ‘Star Trek’ level from the start; or are there stages of advancement where significant restructuring happens over five years… but each five year grouping going out to 2045 has a storyline as to more and more advancement? How big are the steps in the first five years going to have to be to make Asheville one of the Sustainable America Engine Nodes?

The SI 2 Lab is the first Human Ecosystem. Because imaginary benevolent aliens in 1500 foot long super awesome anti-gravity, dimension defying spaceships… are good deus ex machina props to deliver the Universal Language for Dr. Bank’s epoch setting book. But there is ‘magic sustainability Genies’. There’s just those who are willing and able to speak up about our limited options. Strategic Choice can be a distinctly unfunny and super real leadership ‘make or break’ space.

And because we can come up with a more accessible version of innovation ecosystem theory that focuses right on where people live: in Our Municipalities.

People who know about linguistics and strategy may agree each culture has an implicit and explicit language around strategy. And we just need to pull it together, in an ethical, empathetic genius manner, to arrive at a sophisticated resilience capability that ends up delivering on a very complete sustainability outcome.