Human Ecosystems
A local government unit — like a urban planning department or police department — is part of that city or county ‘strategic management platform’. There’s operations, and then there’s all the strategic challenges and public demands that put a load on local government operations. The White House is the national strategic management platform.
The US Human Ecosystem — or United States of America — can be imagined as one giant collective of all the states and then the municipalities within those states. Instead of whether or not a governor or state legislature will recognize StratGen, StratGen simply reaches out to individual leaders and their key stakeholders with the SI 2 Lab. Next is the Sustainable America Engine.

More to follow…

StratGen has a different approach to innovation ecosystems… which sounds like something only the most established corporations, government, and universities are involved in; if there wasn’t a more democratized option. There is actually a fairly recent book that’s mainly for business strategy and innovation purposes called The Imagination Machine. One of its author’s covers the subject of innovation ecosystems. StratGen SI 2 Lab costs less than a dollar a day to join.
The authors of the innovation classic Blue Ocean Strategy — which was originally published in 2005 and tracks with the constant growth, growth, growth economic model America seems to run on at present — have published a new book titled Beyond Disruption in 2023. This ‘nondisruptive creation’ approach is along the lines of the StratGen SI 2 practice.
There’s a basic entrepreneurial search model that can look like the above Issues to Outcomes Model. Once we are allowed to stop; take a deep breath; and look for value in new ways and for the purpose of Sustainable Value Creation… that’s a whole lot right there. Otherwise we are in a massive, existentially costly race to the bottom.
Instead of an innovation ecosystem designed to exploit every possible angle of AI with as many uses and energy intensive data centers as one could or could not conceive of today; StratGen designed and supports a Human Ecosystem centered on where most of us live: in Our Municipalities.

SI 2 Lab Big Purpose
SI 2 Lab members cope, coordinate, and maneuver together… supported with the leadership possibilities of the StratGen Strategic Innovation 2.0 Platform (SI 2). We mix up the best tools in strategy and innovation; confront challenges, develop solutions, and dissect outcomes… and become Strategy Innovators exploiting practices of high performing leaders and organizations like Open Innovation.
Strategic Innovation is what Apple did to become the first multi-trillion dollar corporation. NASA mixed strategy and innovation differently to visit the moon and become a platform leader in the science and technology innovation ecosystem. That’s Strategic Innovation 1.0.
Now we need to reapply big ideas about strategy and innovation issues with new purpose; because we have the right space to maneuver and do new: the SI 2 Lab. That’s Strategic Innovation 2.0. The SI 2 Lab is the first Human Ecosystem dedicated to establishing resilience and then sustainability where we live: Our Municipalities.
The SI 2 Lab is a TBD Multidomain Sustainability Oriented Initiative Accelerator.